artikelnummer: 501349
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Australia's Leatherwood Bespoke Rosin BASS rosin is the ultimate all-round rosin for heavy orchestral instruments, suitable for all players, in all styles and in all climates. Two formulations are available: BASS and BASS EXTRA


Heavy orchestra | audition | solo | chamber music

BASS is a universal rosin for all climates, developed for heavy orchestral playing with reduced string noise. BASS is suitable for both students and professionals. It feels soft and velvety on the string and has plenty of bite and power on the lower strings. BASS is everything you want, everywhere you play.


Extra dry climate | Extra cold climate | Darker sound | Massive presence

BASS EXTRA is everything BASS offers and more. Extra bass, extra stick, extra bite, extra depth of tone when the music demands all you can give. BASS EXTRA is designed for situations where extra grip is needed, such as in very cold and dry climates, or when the music really demands it.

Additional information:

What is the difference between BASS/EXTRA BASS and the Amber range?
Leatherwood BASS has a powerful, sticky attack with a big and broad tone, but retains the same softness and ease of use as Amber Range. BASS offers great reliability and durability for heavy orchestral playing. If you are looking for a rosin with these qualities, then this is for you. BASS is the reliable, hard-wearing rosin for everyday use.

The rosin products in the Amber Range deliver a clear, rich and refined tone with a soft feel under the bow, minimizing bow noise. The Amber Range is designed for the most discerning and refined players who want to fine-tune their tone and feel by combining formulations from a wide range of options.

So far I have used Amber rosin. What makes the new BASS rosin from Leatherwood different?
BASS offers great reliability and durability for heavy orchestral playing. If you are looking for a rosin with these qualities, then this is for you. What it lacks in shimmer compared to the amber range, it makes up for in versatility.

What weather conditions are BASS and EXTRA BASS suitable for?
BASS is the rosin for general, reliable everyday use.
BASS and BASS EXTRA are optimized for use in temperature-controlled concert halls and studios. The ideal temperature range is 18-23 degrees Celsius.

In warmer weather, above 24 degrees Celsius, these rosins become softer and lose grip, which can lead to a waxy feel on the bow hairs. They are therefore not necessarily ideal for outdoor concerts in warm weather.

In colder weather, both BASS and BASS EXTRA are well suited, but feel harder in the hand. In very cold and dry weather, BASS EXTRA is better suited as a strong orchestral rosin.
14,95 Euro *
Rosin Saver
39,95 Euro *
Clamp cover
4,95 Euro *